Our CDs are encoded in mp3 format and are available for download for free. These files are typically between 14 and 18 MB in size.

You can also download a whole series of downloadable CDs.

Old Testament



ABRAHAM The Pioneer

ABRAHAM God’s Friend



JACOB The Grabbing Twin

JACOB God’s Prince

JOSEPH and the Brothers’ Schemes

JOSEPH and the Pharaoh’s Dreams

JOSEPH the Grand Vizier

MOSES the rescued baby

MOSES and the Burning Bush

MOSES and the Great Escape

MOSES and the Desert Encounter

MOSES and the Golden Calf

MOSES and the House for God

MOSES and the Journey’s End

JOSHUA Waiting at the Border

JOSHUA and the Spies’ Secret Mission

JOSHUA and the Strange Plan for Battle

JOSHUA and the Neighbour’s Ruse

JOSHUA and the Haven for the Hunted



SAMSON the Lion Killer

SAMSON the Wrecker



SAMUEL the Boy

MICE! MICE! MICE! and More Mice

JOB Part 1

JOB Part 2


DANIEL II and other stories

QUEEN ESTHER and other stories



New Testament

JESUS the Baby part 1

JESUS the Baby part 2

JESUS the Boy

JESUS the Carpenter, the Son of God

JESUS and the Temple Thieves

JESUS and the Secret Guest

JESUS and the Frustrated Fisherman

JESUS and the Customs Crew

JESUS and the Kingdom Kids part 1

JESUS and the Kingdom Kids part 2

JESUS and the Dreadful Foe

JESUS and the Trip Abroad

JESUS and the Crucial Choice

JESUS and the Children

JESUS and the Feast of Booths

JESUS and the Burning Question

JESUS the Light of the World

JESUS and the Resented Race

JESUS and the Caviling Clique

JESUS and the Lost Sheep

JESUS and the Wayside Scenes

JESUS and the Jericho Road

JESUS and the Hosannas

JESUS and the World’s Last Days

JESUS and the Lonely Battle

JESUS and the Cross

JESUS and the Splendid Dawn

PETER & JOHN and the Beautiful Gate

PETER & JOHN and the Prison Mystery

SAUL and the Midnight Getaway

PAUL and the Magic Man’s Spell

PAUL and the Daring Expedition

PAUL & SILAS and the News from Afar

PAUL and his Corinthian Friends

PAUL before Governor Gallio

PAUL and the Riot in Ephesus

PAUL and the Trouble in the Temple

PAUL and the plots in Jerusalem

PAUL and the Shipwreck

Download a Whole Series

The Stories of Genesis
(11 CDs, 161 MB)
The Stories of Moses
(7 CDs, 116 MB)
Stories from OT
(35 CDs, 580 MB)
The Stories of Jesus
(27 CDs, 428 MB)
The Stories of Acts
(12 CDs, 188 MB)
Stories from NT
(39 CDs, 626 MB)